President of the General Assembly : Jai Parera
"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.
-George Orwell
Dear Delegates and MUN Directors,
Just as the sun once set over the British Empire, leading the world into a new era, the waning of the Western cultural hegemony ushers in a new Century. Asia is no longer an ‘emerging entity’, but rather a serious contender challenging the status quo. Mammoth shifts in the current global framework have resulted in power ebbing towards the East.
The concept of soft power, introduced by Joseph Nye in 1990, is increasingly apt in its description of the substantively subtle style in which Asian nations sway decisions overseas.
Asia’s incredibly large populace centralizes it in the global modern corporatocracy of consumer fixation. And in the wake of economic liberalisation, the realisation of this potential surged into development as Asia seized control and shook itself from its postcolonial shackles. New Delhi’s not-so-fledgling space breakthroughs have pioneered sustainable interstellar exploration. Beijing’s heavy investments in Africa have scaled infrastructure at unprecedented rates amidst concerns of what would be considered political disestablishmentarianism. A cold wind blows from the East...
Consequently, the paradigm shift steers Asia-centric quandaries into the limelight, highlighting the growing imperative for Asia’s complex geopolitical and economic mantle to be reflected in international institutions of governance. If not, it may seem necessary for nations to dissolve the political bands that connect them with each other and to assume the separate and equal station to which their economic and cultural might - their inherent soft power - entitles them. Domination of the present drifts towards the rising sun, with the future following closely in its footsteps.
The siren of change thunders away. Without the acknowledgement that it clamours for, the crumbling of the world order is not only inevitable but hastened.
This necessitous representation is what DAIMUN 2019 aims to explore through the lens of each committee here in the General Assembly. Traversing from “Violent extremism in South East Asia” to “Developing measures to improve the effectiveness of UNRWA operations in Lebanon”, each committee has agendas tailored to Asia that together, span the breadth of the continent and investigate the vital issues at hand. I look forward to working with your Chairs in guiding you closer to solving the plethora of problems plaguing us in the new Century.
And now, it is time for you as delegates to step up. To seize the moment and ensure that you do your part in building the New World Order, one with Asia at its heart.
Welcome to DAIMUN 2019. It’s your time to shine.
Yours sincerely
Jai Parera
President of the General Assembly